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Register for our Quarterly Webinar:
"The Emotional Phases of Leadership Transition and How to Prepare"

The more Human Resources leaders understand what happens in the years, months, and weeks leading up to and during the end of full-time career for senior leaders and partners, the better they can prepare and support them.


We've worked with leaders and partners across the globe—from London to Beijing, Philadelphia, Tokyo, Singapore, and even Johannesburg—and have identified universal truths that apply to them all.


These insights are drawn from our first-hand experience, our research conducted with the University of Winchester, and the extensive projects and expertise of our specialist team.


Join us for one of our quarterly webinars, where we’ll share these valuable insights and strategies to help you better navigate this critical phase.

At Beyond Your Career we believe that your

off-boarding process is just as important as your onboarding process.

Why support leaders and partners in transition?

It is a lasting signature of your relationship and a marker of your mutual respect. And increasingly, in the highest professional echelons, meaningful and valuable employee benefits can be critical in securing the best talent and keeping them committed. 


Offering those stepping back from your firm the kind of support, coaching and expertise provided by Beyond Your Career is a meaningful way to honour the efforts, dedication and value they have delivered for you. 


Whether members of your team are approaching Q3 currently, or your organisation wishes to galvanise those at the peak of their careers with the foresight and preparedness that Q3 will require in the future, Beyond Your Career can provide the platform for a more self-aware, purposeful, and fulfilled workforce.

"If companies like BT offered a pre-retirement programme, it would lead to those individuals speaking positively about the company for the rest of their lives."

- ex C-Suite Manager, BT Sport

London View

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